Pemerintah Umumkan Stimulus Ekonomi Ke-2 untuk Menangani Dampak COVID-19

Jakarta, 13 Maret 2020

Pada 11 Maret 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) mengumumkan bahwa Wabah Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) telah menjadi pandemi (link  Artinya, wabah penyakit ini telah terjadi pada geografis yang luas atau menyebar secara global. Jumlah kasus di seluruh dunia mencapai angka 120.000 dan kematian telah melebihi 4.300. Kondisi tersebut mendesak pemerintah seluruh dunia untuk meningkatkan upaya pembatasan.

Dampak terhadap sektor ekonomi tentu tidak dapat dielakkan lagi. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia diproyeksikan akan terkontraksi semakin dalam. Untuk itu, Pemerintah memerhatikan isu-isu yang memerlukan kebijakan khusus,” ujar Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto dalam Konferensi Pers tentang Stimulus Ekonomi Kedua Penanganan Dampak COVID-19, Jumat (13/2) di kantornya.

Isu-isu tersebut antara lain terkait dengan (1) ketersediaan stok dan pasokan pangan yang akan mempengaruhi stabilitas harga pangan; (2) pembatasan perjalanan dan mobilitas pekerja yang mempengaruhi sektor pariwisata dan transportasi; (3) disrupsi produksi, distribusi, dan rantai pasok yang mempengaruhi kinerja sektor manufaktur dan turunannya; serta 4) kejatuhan harga minyak dunia akibat pelemahan permintaan dan perang harga minyak antara Arab Saudi dan Rusia.

Menko Airlangga menjelaskan, untuk menjaga agar sektor riil tetap bergerak serta menjaga daya beli masyarakat demi mendorong kinerja ekonomi domestik, Pemerintah kembali mengeluarkan stimulus ekonomi baik stimulus fiskal maupun non-fiskal.

Menko Airlangga menjelaskan, untuk menjaga agar sektor riil tetap bergerak serta menjaga daya beli masyarakat demi mendorong kinerja ekonomi domestik, Pemerintah kembali mengeluarkan stimulus ekonomi baik stimulus fiskal maupun non-fiskal.



Jakarta, March 13, 2020

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the 2019 Coronavirus Disease Outbreak (COVID-19) had become a pandemic (link That is, outbreaks of this disease have occurred in a wide geographical or globally spread. The number of cases worldwide reaches 120,000 and deaths have exceeded 4,300. The condition is urging governments all over the world to step up efforts to limit the spread of the virus.

The impact on the economic sector is certainly inevitable. World economic growth is projected to contract even deeper. For this reason, the Government is concerned with issues that require special policies, “said Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, in a Press Conference on the Second Economic Stimulus in Handling the Impact of COVID-19, Friday (13/2) in his office.

These issues are related to (1) availability of food stock and supplies which will affect the stability of its price in the market  (2) travel restrictions and worker mobility affecting the tourism and transportation sectors; (3) disruption of production, distribution, and supply chains affecting the performance of the manufacturing sector and its derivatives; and 4) falling of the oil prices due to weak demand and global oil price especially war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

The Coordinating Minister for Airlangga explained, that in order to keep the real sector moving and maintain people’s purchasing power and therefore may boost domestic economic performance, the Government again has initiated  economic stimulus both fiscal and non-fiscal stimulus.

The Coordinating Minister for Airlangga explained, that in order to keep the real sector moving and maintain people’s purchasing power and therefore may boost domestic economic performance, the Government again has initiated  economic stimulus both fiscal and non-fiscal stimulus.